I knew that Yogi Berra played for the Mets, but I had never focused on the timeline -- that that came after he managed the Yankees to the '64 pennant, and that he hadn't played in '64. It's interesting that he played all of his games in '63 and '65 at catcher, after largely manning other positions while Elston Howard caught in previous years. There are a lot of old catchers. It seems that catching breaks down your ability to play baseball generally, but not to catch more than it breaks down anything else. Joe Mauer stopped catching because of concussions, if I remember right, and then there was Johnny Bench, who largely gave up catching for third base, but I don't think they were typical.

I have never played Immaculate Grid and had only dim awareness of it. I feel like I am not very good when the baseball games that I watch feature trivia. I feel like I was at it better years ago, but maybe the questions have just gotten harder. One's only reference point, really, is the announcers.

I wonder if there is a learning curve with Immaculate Grid -- not just in terms of learning certain players one can often play, along the lines of helpful obscure words in Scrabble, but in terms of actually building up these neural connections or something. What I detect from myself more than anything else in trivia is laziness. I'm satisfied with my first answer and am loath to wrack my brain. It's unpleasant to try to do that and fail -- to confront the fact that the names don't come as easily as they once did. Trivia bolsters or damages self-esteem, and it's hard to see a greater significance to it. It is dominated by ego. Games, by contrast, can be great relaxation and relationship builders. Immaculate Grid seems like it has some game bonafides because you can focus on rarity and not just on the fact that you do or don't know something.

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Good insights...try it!

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As somebody who is not too up on sports, I would completely bomb at Immaculate Grid. I'm still a pretty committed Wordle player, and... sigh... I bombed today (98% of the people got it, but not me...). But after reading your thoughts on Wordle, I think I have a 5 letter word to try tomorrow, you Wordle HATER. So, thanks :)

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