You must be the Zen master of free throws. Let the nothingness into your shots, as they say. Nice work on the George Hood story. You made him famous for at least 15 minutes.

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Have you read the actual "Flow" book? A book of some significance to me. I tend to think of "Flow" as one's highest state, one's calling, what one does best, not something on the mindless side, like shooting free throws. But the author does take some time talking about routine jobs, and how you can make them meaningful. The philosophy is really about living each moment to its fullest.

If I've thought once about what it is that makes a game of catch so satisfying, I've thought about it 100 times. We're sort of in awe of ourselves, I guess. The skill is so simple yet in a way seems incredible, that we automatically do the calculations and then translate them into action. The idea of flow there is to get out of your own way. In a way, we are own highest calling, no matter what we do.

So your career RH pct is less than one percent better than your LH pct? Is there a confound there? Unequal division in shots by hand through the years? Or has your relative performance with your right hand improved? I note that, in the chart you supplied from your last 10 sessions, you did better with your right hand on 8 of 10 occasions. You also said in an earlier post that you were over 90% RH on the year (compared to your 85% career rate RH). I think as a high schooler you shot free throws left-handed, which would go with improving more with your right hand.

There are so many opportunities for experimentation here, although I don't know how many of them would be interesting. Like, did the masks affect performance? Hard not to realize that one has one on. Maybe they help, I don't know. The problem with the experiments is that they're not blind, so psychology enters in. You know what experiment you're doing.

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Great stuff, David -- yes, my Right has gradually improved over the years, from 70% or so the first two years, then up to 75% a few years, then up to 80%, then plateauing a bit in the low to mid 80s, and then the last two years, rising above 90%. I am a natural right-hander, but shot lefty for some strange reason from FT line and beyond growing up. So lefty began in low 80s and rose to 87 plus pct, then regressed to 82-83 pct, and now back up to 85 pct or so. Kind of a weird odyssey. I don't shoot alternating hands---one left, one right, one left, one right--but instead do them in big batches. Would be interesting to see what effect the alternating would have---I suspect my % would suffer from both sides, as it would impede getting into a groove both ways.

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I'm curious about some of George's details. That's 3.5 days on a stationary bike. How did he go to the bathroom? Or did he? The what about his hospitalization? Rhabdomyolysis? Myoglobinuria? Acute renal failure? The devil is in the details which are missing. And yes "break records" can also break kidneys, break backs, break hips and knees ... and even hearts as well. But by all means go to it ... break away.

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