Geoff -- your website is fantastic. I hope to have additional reasons to alert folks to it. I am pondering a piece on my penchant for banging my foot/knee, other body parts into various pieces of furniture...which, of course, brings John Ritter's "Jack Tripper" from Three's Company to mind. Anyone reading this really ought to know how the theme to that show came about, right?
Thanks for "The TV Professor" shout-out! :)
Geoff -- your website is fantastic. I hope to have additional reasons to alert folks to it. I am pondering a piece on my penchant for banging my foot/knee, other body parts into various pieces of furniture...which, of course, brings John Ritter's "Jack Tripper" from Three's Company to mind. Anyone reading this really ought to know how the theme to that show came about, right?
Oh, look-y here:
Wow, well, thank you! And right back at you. I'm a big fan of your newsletter!