I have been a professional writer since 1984, when my byline first appeared in the pages of the Marshfield (Mass.) Mariner. Since then, as a journalist, I have had the pleasure of writing the first draft of small bits of history in various corners of the universe, thousands of times over.
Although “my random acts of journalism” have become only occasional in recent years, my experience as a print reporter informs so much of what I do — as a publicist, trade magazine editor, media trainer, parent, person of faith, sibling, spouse, former publicly elected official, and any variety of other hats.
Along the way, I have covered a fascinating cross-section of people — both notable and anonymous — while writing for publications that include Time, the Chicago Tribune, and USA Today. For the past year, I have edited a trade magazine — a delightful gig that I hope continues until at least 2037. Of course, that would mean that I continue until then, too, which is a nice bonus.
As for this blog’s name, it mirrors the name that I arrived at, in 2006, for my communications business, Inside Edge PR + Media. As my website’s “About page” notes, my extensive journalism background provides the “inside edge” to individuals and organizations seeking to navigate an increasingly fragmented and complicated media landscape.
For about 15 years, I have had a blog on my website. There you can find over 500 posts, a small number of which will migrate here (with updates and refinements) over time. There is also much that I have written, but has not appeared anywhere publicly. To some degree, this blog is motivated by my desire to share those pieces of my mind (and heart and soul).
I will create a new post at least once a week, and together we’ll see where that takes us. Among the subjects you can expect:
Writing, basketball, Jesus Christ, statistics1, baseball, free throw shooting2, parenting, facial hair (especially sideburns and mustaches3), my remarkable, resilient, and sometimes-homeless brother4, and whether, behind your reluctant-paper-towel-using spouse's back, it’s OK to use a full paper towel for minor spills.5
Thank you for joining me on this journey.
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Like the Home Run Power Ratio.
Buckle up — not joking about this one.
I have written more stories for the American Mustache Institute than you’d ever imagine, even if you know how random my interests range. Don’t try to find the somewhat- to fully dormant AMI site. Last I checked (just now), typing in the AMI name leads to a site apparently run by Russian bots or some other ne’er-do-wells.
His name is Phil. If you need a buck, a cigarette or an encouraging word, he’s your man.
Spoiler alert: of course it’s OK!
Looking forward to the next chapter of your writing career.