Who Was That Masked Man?
A neighbor? A LinkedIn connection? Nope, it’s Adam Schiff, with whom I have more in common than children who once resided on the same college dormitory floor.
On Wednesday, Congressman Adam Schiff was censured by House Republicans. Schiff said he would wear it as a “badge of honor.”1
Nearly two years ago, moving our children in to the same dormitory for their freshman year, I briefly met the longtime Democratic representative from California. That time, he wore something else: a mask.
As a result, I didn’t recognize him right away. Though I knew that I knew him. Here’s how the somewhat comical scene played out in mid-September 2021:
Masked up to comply with COVID-prevention protocol, I am hanging out in the hallway outside Maggie Rose’s room as Bridgett helps her get settled in. My role at this stage of the move-in process is simply to stay out of their way.
Along comes a fellow ambling in that unmistakable "I'm not sure where anything is" gait. A fellow dad, no doubt about it, and he’s also dutifully masked up. I greet him with a leading question: "Are you looking for a bathroom?"

He hadn't been, he explains, but now that I've mentioned it, that's good to know. I point to one that’s nearby. A moment later, I am struck by the familiarity of his features not covered up: his eyes and neatly trimmed hair.
"I think I know you," I say. "Are you from Oak Park?"
“No,” he replies.
What comes out of my mouth next is a statement, an assertion of truth more than a question: "I think we are on LinkedIn together. What's your name?"
"My name is Adam Schiff," he says. "I'm a Congressman."
"Ohhh,” I chuckle. “That's how I know you."
I mumble something about having been on a school board, dorkily trying to establish elected-dude common ground. A few moments later, the man who served as the House impeachment manager against Donald Trump heads into the bathroom.
That’s my cue to storm into Maggie Rose’s room, rip off my mask, and excitedly share this piece of news. I am behaving as if I have just met a rock star, and most decidedly not some random LinkedIn connection.
A few minutes later, Adam is back in the hall and I introduce him to my wife and daughter. He’s cordial, then mentions the room number he's looking for — the very thing he was seeking when I began badgering him about Oak Park and LinkedIn.
It's down the hall, Bridgett explains. As Adam bids us farewell to go help his son move in, I wish him well…and I still do.
"To be admonished by Kevin McCarthy and like--it is an honor. These are the authors of the Big Lie, who attacked me for telling the truth, and I'm proud to stand up to them," Schiff told Fox News.
What a great story Matt! I have sent Adam Schiff more than one thank-you note for his work. He will be on the right side of history.
Schiff gets around. My mother saw him in her New York City apartment building, evidently visiting a donor. It is funny to contrast the demeanor of Mickey Rooney and Schiff in your encounters with them. With Mickey Rooney, my impression was that you were totally on your game and asked excellent questions, while with Schiff, it was shirt-biting time, and things really went from bad to worse. Yet their behavior was seemingly set beforehand, and unaffected by what you said or did.