A neighbor? A LinkedIn connection? Nope, it’s Adam Schiff, with whom I have more in common than children who once resided on the same college dormitory floor.
Schiff gets around. My mother saw him in her New York City apartment building, evidently visiting a donor. It is funny to contrast the demeanor of Mickey Rooney and Schiff in your encounters with them. With Mickey Rooney, my impression was that you were totally on your game and asked excellent questions, while with Schiff, it was shirt-biting time, and things really went from bad to worse. Yet their behavior was seemingly set beforehand, and unaffected by what you said or did.
What a great story Matt! I have sent Adam Schiff more than one thank-you note for his work. He will be on the right side of history.
No masking the truth---though neither major political party has a monopoly on the answers, it's most unfortunate to see what's happening to the GOP.
Schiff gets around. My mother saw him in her New York City apartment building, evidently visiting a donor. It is funny to contrast the demeanor of Mickey Rooney and Schiff in your encounters with them. With Mickey Rooney, my impression was that you were totally on your game and asked excellent questions, while with Schiff, it was shirt-biting time, and things really went from bad to worse. Yet their behavior was seemingly set beforehand, and unaffected by what you said or did.
Intriguing observations...I hadn't connected those dots like that but it underscores how true it is that much of the time "it's not about me."